Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Inc.

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Your Health

Your health is in your hands, each and every day. When you understand that you need to first take control of and then take responsibility for your own health then you will be ready for the programs on this site. Before we get started, read the following quotation from Herophilus. This quote sums it up best!

"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied."  ...  by Herophilus

Do you currently find yourself in the following situation?

Many adults know they need help and guidance when it comes to enhancing their health and fitness, but don't know where to begin! If so, you have come to the right place. Our programs are designed for and dedicated to adults between the ages of 25 and 65 plus. And, they are life changers!

Enter the Preventative Health Programs

A scene from the west side of beautiful Beaver Valley. The photo was taken by Jim Safianuk. Walking in fresh air and natural light are excellent for your health. They make your cells jump with joy!

Put nutrition and exercise together in the same program and you have the best of breed approach to recover, rebuild, and renew your body. But, put them together in three programs, one after the other, and you have a powerful team that will change your life forever. And, after completion of the programs, you will never want to go back to the old you. Ever!

Is it any wonder that you may be confused about how to maintain your health and prevent disease, when you are flooded with half-truths and misinformation about health and fitness, on a daily basis? It is very easy to get mislead and head down the wrong path.

Do you find yourself overwhelmed with so many mixed messages in the mainstream?

True Health is Ready for the Taking!

If so, you are not alone. The owner of the site confronted this same issue a few years back. He had to step out of the mainstream morass to develop the Preventative Health Programs. And after he made the transition, he found the answers he was seeking about his own health, and your health.

That said, we have distilled out all the myths and misconceptions for you so you don't have to go through that same mind-numbing process. Here, you will find the truth about your health, which is ready for the taking.

Are you interested in the truth?  "There is nothing so powerful as truth - and often nothing so strange." .... by Daniel Webster

The Four Pillar Programs

If you are interested in the truth, with the four-pillar programs you learn to:

1. Return your weight to normal,
2. Retreat from the threshold of disease, and
3. Rebuild an ageless body and mind at the cellular level,

so you can live a life full of energy and vitality in the health zone. Are you looking for the ways to make the above improvements in your health?

How do I get started?

First, a short message from Jim ...

If you are looking for the steps, you will find the answers on the site and in our programs. But first, to determine whether or not you are actually ready to begin a preventative health program, go through the four-step process below. Please be honest with yourself as you go through the process since it will guide you in your determination of whether or not you are serious about improving your health and changing your life.


Step 1: First, Bring a Positive Attitude

"It's our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which more than anything else, will determine its successful outcome." .... by William James

A Positive Attitude is Everything in Life: The Preventative Health Programs are all about making an attitude adjustment. For too long, people have neglected their health and fitness and put it in the hands of others. This is a huge mistake.

Big Medicine doesn't understand preventative health and fitness, nor do they know anything about nutrition and exercise. But, these are the most important factors when it comes to maintaining your health over time! Without them, you have nothing. What do you mean by that?

True health is the absence of disease. Put it another way, if you are diseased, you are not healthy. The body is self-healing, auto-regulating, and seeks to be in a state of balance. All you have to do is give it a chance by fueling it properly, moving it consistently, and resting it appropriately. Our site and programs have been set up to show you how to do just that.

Are you ready to make an attitude adjustment when it comes to your health?

If so, continue on to step 2 below ...

Step 2: Next, Add in some Fortitude

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing is life is to keep your mind young." ... by Henry Ford

Fortitude and One Hundred Mistakes a Day: It has been said that the average North American adult makes up to 100 mistakes a day when it comes to his or her health and fitness. Yes, that many mistakes.

Some are actions they do that are detrimental to their health while others are steps they neglect to take, and should be doing each day to build health. Sometimes, people assume that they know much more than they actually do about human physiology. And then when they begin to find the truth about how the body works, they have many aha moments.

Do you ever wonder why you weren't taught anything important about how your body functions to keep you healthy?

Part of the journey is to learn about how the body functions to keep us healthy and fit. Here, under the guidance of the Four Pillar Programs, you will learn what you have never been taught before. Armed with this new understanding, you will than have the training and tools you need to maintain your own health and fitness over the long term.                     

Are you comfortable learning and applying new knowledge in order to lose weight, prevent disease, and enhance longevity?  Benjamin Franklin appears to sum it up best when he says, "Being ignorant is not as much a shame as being unwilling to learn." ... by Benjamin Franklin.           

If so, continue on to step 3 below ...

Step 3: Then, Show a little Patience

"Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow." ... by Plato

Patience is One of the Virtues of Life: Living in the mainstream morass for too long has swayed people into believing that there is a quick fix for everything that goes wrong. Drop a pill, take a supplement, have a surgery, etc.

However, quick fixes have never worked in the past, don't work now, and will never work in the future, especially when it comes to maintaining the human body. At best, you may mask a symptom, but the root cause always persists and grows. And there is a fundamental aspect of human physiology that you should know about. What is that?

If you have been under the control and influence of the mainstream for the past 20 or 30 years or so, it is likely that your body is in a state of shock from deficiencies, toxicities, and inflammation. You can't quick fix it and reverse these trends overnight. The body doesn't work that way.

Are you looking for a quick fix, or a permanent solution? In short, quick fixes don't exist here because they don't work. Instead, you have to proceed in step with the way the body works to repair and regenerate itself over time at the cellular level. That is why the Four Pillar Programs are phased with recovery, rebuilding, and renewal periods.

In this way, we work with the body's natural processes and not against them, to build a new you at the cellular level. Can you bring the patience that's required for a successful outcome?

If you want to go slow and build a new you at the cellular level over time, continue on to step 4 below ...

Step 4: Finally, Step out of the Mainstream

"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."  ... by Aldous Huxley

Step Out and Take Control: Yes, along the way you will need to step out of the mainstream and make some lifestyle adjustments. It has often been said that North Americans need to take responsibility for their own health and fitness if we are to get out of the disease crisis we are currently in.

However, it is difficult to take responsibility when so many influential forces in the mainstream tend to control so many aspects of our lives. Instead, you first need to take control of your own health and fitness. The only way to do this effectively is to step out of the stream, learn the truth, and apply those findings to recover and rebuild your body. The Four Pillar Programs have been designed to help you do just that.

Let them guide and support you along the way so your transition is a success.

Are you ready to take control of your health and fitness?

If so, continue below ...

If you're ready to take control of your health, let's get started!

If you have been honest with yourself, and made it this far, you are ready to participate in your first preventative health program.

Now, click the link below, which will take you to Step 1 on the Home page. Once there, you just need to follow the three-step process to match your actual health status with our recommended program path.

Head over to: Step 1: Guessing your Current Health Status

Or, until next time ...

However, if you feel the time is just not right for you, for whatever reason, be sure to bookmark the site. Come back and pay us another visit when you feel you are ready to proceed.

To your health!

Mr. Prevention

Chronic Disease Alert: If you have one or more of the major degenerative diseases, such as a lung disorder, heart disease, cancer, and/or diabetes, you have already crossed the threshold into a disease state. This site and our programs are geared to preventative health and fitness only and not to disease management after a degenerative disease has set in. Our site and programs are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any degenerative disease. For the diagnosis and treatment of lung disorders, heart diseases, cancers, and/or diabetes, please consult with a qualified physician in your area.

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Corporate web logo emphasizing the four pillars of health and two arms of prevention approach to building an ageless body and an ageless mind.

Four Pillars

Pillar #1
Nutrition Protocols

         Visit the               Nutritionist's Kitchen

Pillar #2 
Exercise Routines

                   Go to the                      Exercise Room

Pillar #3
Stress Reduction

           Head over to the            Stress Reduction Place

Pillar #4

               Check out the                Detox Centre

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Contract Services

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Four Pillar

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Two Pillar

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Image Galleries

Click one of the thumbnails below to view a series of photos taken on the Bruce Trail and Georgian Bay.

You can click this small image to view a rotating series of scenic photos taken on the Bruce Trail.
You can click this small image to view a rotating series of scenic photos taken on the Bruce Trail.
You can click this small image to view a rotating series of scenic photos taken of Georgian Bay and Collingwood Harbour.


Our E-books

Overview of E-books

  Sleep Restoration A to Z

Stress Reduction Handbook

   Natural Whole Foods Way

The Top Five Fluids

The Ten Best Fortifiers

 Maintaining Beautiful Skin

Essential Health Tips

Core Health Tips


Free Workshops

 Spring 2025

Go toFree Workshops

The Preventative Way with
Mr. Prevention

On The Preventative Way page we reveal a number of scientific facts related to how we function at the cellular level to keep our bodies healthy. Visit this page often as new facts, quotes, videos, tips, and traps will be added from time to time.

Go to: The Preventative Way

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