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If you are currently suffering from lower back and pelvic pain, you need to sign up for the program Correcting Low Back and Pelvic Pain.
If you are currently suffering from tight hip flexors and/or short gluteal muscles, you need to sign up for the program Correcting Tight Hips and Inactive Glutes.
Continue reading "Correcting Tight Hips and Inactive Glutes"
If you are currently suffering with pain from rounded shoulders and a curved middle back, you need to sign up for the program Correcting Poor Shoulder and Mid Back Posture.
Continue reading "Correcting Poor Shoulder and Mid Back Posture"
If you are currently suffering from a forward head position and a downward neck tilt, you need to sign up for the program Correcting Bad Head and Neck Posture.
The complete postural program is for those adults who need to regain their upper and middle body posture including the head, neck, shoulders, mid back, chest, hips, glutes, low back, and pelvis.
This is the description page for the stress-only program entitled the Stress Reduction program.
This is the description page for the stress-only program entitled the Sleep Restoration Program.
This is the sign-up page for the Detox-only program called the Seasonal Drainage and Detoxification Program.
Continue reading "Seasonal Drainage and Detoxification Program"
This is the sign-up page for the detox-only program called the Regular Cleansing Program.
Visit the Nutritionist's Kitchen
Go to the Exercise Room
Head over to the Stress Reduction Place
Check out the Detox Centre
Click one of the thumbnails below to view a series of photos taken on the Bruce Trail and Georgian Bay.
Go to: Free Workshops
On The Preventative Way page we reveal a number of scientific facts related to how we function at the cellular level to keep our bodies healthy. Visit this page often as new facts, quotes, videos, tips, and traps will be added from time to time.
Go to: The Preventative Way
American Council on Exercise offers four certifications for aspiring fitness professionals including their Certified Personal Trainer (ACE-CPT) designation. Click on the ACE logo to find out all about their programs and certifications..