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Fit at 30 Plus
Regaining Lost Muscle Mass, Heart Strength, and Lung Capacity

The Fit at 30 Plus program is now open for registration purposes. If you are currently experiencing a lack of muscle endurance and strength, reduced energy level, lower metabolism, and recurrent ailments, you may want to sign up for this program, sooner than later.

What is it?

A combined nutrition and exercise program that utilizes both nutrition knowledge in the classroom and exercise instruction in the field. In this way, the proper foods, right fluids, and correct fortifiers can be built into the diet beforehand in the kitchen to efficiently regain lost muscle mass, heart strength, and lung power after the activity sessions. In short, your body can't synthesize new muscle mass and rebuild lost heart and lung tissue from poor nutrition and a lack of nutrients. Your body doesn't work that way!

You need them both!

You need both nutrition and exercise together in the same program, but the approach needs to be divided because of the different requirements that your muscular system has from your cardio-pulmonary system. To accomplish these goals, the program is split into two parts, namely:

  1. Part A: Regaining Lost Muscle Mass, and
  2. Part B: Regaining Lost Lung Power and Heart Strength.

Who is it for?

Streams 1F and 1M: Streams 1F and 1M of the Fit at 30 Plus program are great for female and male adults, respectively, aged 30 plus, who are:

  • Sedentary, or
  • Non-foundational, or
  • De-conditioned, returning to activity after a long lay off, 5 to 10 years +, or
  • New to structured activity and need to improve their health and fitness level.

Streams 2F and 2M: However, streams 2F and 2M of the program have been designed for female and male adults, respectively, aged 30 plus, who are:

  • Active on entry, or
  • Formerly active, but de-conditioned for the last 1 to 5 years, or
  • Newly foundational by way of one of the two beginner programs.

Common Denominator: What they all have in common is the need to regain lost muscle mass and improve their muscle endurance and strength, as well as regain lost heart strength and lung capacity and enhance their cardio-respiratory fitness.

Fit at 30 Plus: Overview

Part A. Regaining Lost Muscle Mass

Nutritional Aspects: The foods we eat, the fluids we drink, and the exercises we do on a daily basis determine the health of our musculoskeletal system. To regain lost muscle mass after the age of 30 you need to nourish your body with the right foods, fluids, and fortifiers, as well as  strengthen your muscular system with the correct resistance exercises.

Exercise Aspects: Gains in muscle endurance and strength are the hallmarks of this part of the combined nutrition and exercise program! Part A of the program is designed to recover lost muscle endurance and strength, as well as rebuild the necessary muscle size and definition so you can maintain your activities of daily life and/or prepare yourself for more rigorous exercise activity.

Muscle Mass Losses with Age: Adults who do not perform some type of strength training sacrifice more than 5 pounds of muscle tissue every decade, and older adults lose even more than that.

Age: 30 to 40: 0.5 lbs per year X 10 years = 5.0 lbs
Age: 40 to 50: 0.5 lbs per year X 10 years = 5.0 lbs
Muscle Loss: From age 30 to 50 years: 10+ pounds

Age: 50 to 60: 1.0 lbs per year X 10 years = 10.0 lbs
Age: 60 to 70: 1.0 lbs per year X 10 years = 10.0 lbs
Muscle Loss: From age 50 to 70 years: 20+ pounds

Total Muscle Loss: From age 30 to 70 years: 30+ pounds

In terms of percentages, on average, a person will lose approximately 40% of his or her muscle mass, as well as 50% of his or her muscle strength from age 30 to age 70. So, by the age of 50, you will have lost up to 20% of your muscle mass, and 25% of your muscle strength. Nutritional protocols and strength training are highly recommended to counteract this loss of muscle mass. To avoid this outcome, it is best to signup for the Fit at 30 Plus program now!

Part B. Regaining Lost Heart Strength and Lung Capacity

Nutritional Aspects: The foods we eat, the fluids we drink, and the exercises we do on a daily basis determine the health of our heart and lungs. To rebuild lost lung power and heart strength, especially after the age of 30, you need to nourish your internal environment and strengthen your cardio-respiratory system with the right fortifiers and correct exercises, respectively.

Exercise Aspects: Gains in cardio-respiratory efficiency, lung power, and heart strength are the hallmarks of this 16-week adult fitness program! The program is designed to rebuild the necessary aerobic and pumping capacity, as well as add conditioning gains, so you can maintain your activities of daily life and/or prepare yourself for more rigorous exercise programs.

Lung and Heart Losses with Age: After the age of 25, adults lose on average between 0.5 and 1.0% of their lung capacity per year, if they do nothing to prevent the loss. So, by the age of 50 you may have lost between 12.5 and 25% of your cardio-respiratory functioning. This means less oxygen is delivered to the cells of your body, which results in:

  1. reduced energy,
  2. lower metabolism, and
  3. greater susceptibility to disease.

Common Denominator: Now is the time to begin to recover your lost lung power and aerobic capacity, as well as your lost heart strength and pumping capacity with this combined nutrition and exercise program. It is best to register for the Fit at 30 Plus program now!

Fit at 30 Plus: Objectives and Outcomes

Part A: Regaining Lost Muscle Mass

The overall objectives of this part of the Fit at 30 Plus program are to enhance muscle fitness by:

  1. Re-establishing core stability and joint mobility,
  2. Re-learning movement function and efficiency,
  3. Recovering lost muscle endurance,
  4. Regaining lost muscle strength, and
  5. Rebuilding lost muscle size or definition.

Part B: Regaining Lost Heart Strength and Lung Capacity

The overall objectives of this part of the program are to enhance cardio-respiratory fitness and function by:

  1. re-establishing an aerobic base,
  2. improving cardio-respiratory efficiency,
  3. regaining lost lung power and aerobic capacity,
  4. enhancing lost heart strength and pumping capacity, and
  5. increasing functional fitness throughout the body.

Program Cost

The cost for the Fit at 30 Plus program is currently set at $4,880* plus 13% HST = $5,515. You can pay at the beginning of Appointment 1, either by cheque or by electron funds transfer using Interac e-Transfer. Or, if you prefer you can make two equal payments. One at the start of Part A and another one at the beginning of Part B. In this case, you need to pay $2,240 plus HST = $2,757 for each of Parts A and B.

*This price is in effect as of January 1st, 2025 and is subject to change without prior notification. Handouts are included, but any equipment and supplies, if needed, are not included.

How do I sign up?

To regain your lost muscle mass, heart strength, and lung capacity, call 705-971-7429 now and speak with Jim Safianuk. He will sign you up for the program over the phone. Yes, we make house visits. So, the Fit at 30 Plus program can be run in the comforts of your own home.

About the Instructor

Jim is a health scientist, an ACE-certified personal trainer (ACE-CPT), and an IONC-registered holistic nutritionist (ROHP) who specializes in the design and development of combined nutrition and exercise programs for those between the ages of 25 and 65 plus.

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