The Gut Recovery Program is based on the following requirements for optimum health:
Disruption of the three daily processes mentioned above, as well as disturbances in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract are very common these days. They can lead to:
The above disorders can contribute to the development of disease elsewhere in the body. Not a good situation!
Maybe it's time to feel the nutrition in your cells again with the Gut Recovery Program!
Proper digestion is crucial for the breakdown of food and release of their nutrients, which are used throughout the body to nourish and build healthy cells.
If food is not properly digested it can pass through the intestinal tract without being completely broken down, and get caught in the crevices in the colon creating toxic wastes that putrefy. After that the toxic fragments pass through the intestinal wall of the colon and back into the bloodstream, where they can cause food allergies and toxic overload in the liver.
Therefore, food must be properly digested, at all times.
The Standard American Diet is the root cause of many digestive disorders because it is high in:
For the most part this diet is nutrient deficient and laced with artificial additives. Instead, for optimum health, the prevention of disease, and a high energy level, the body requires natural, whole foods that are:
"The food we put in our systems determines the health of every cell and organ in our bodies. The human body needs live foods to build live cells." Jay Kordich
A healthy GI tract teems with beneficial bacteria that contribute to the proper digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. However, years of:
can throw the intestinal ecology severely out of balance, causing a variety of illnesses.
Problems range from fatigue, depression, joint pain, impaired immune function, food allergies, overweight, obesity, and autoimmune diseases to chronic constipation, gas, belching, bloating, acne, and lower back pain. The vast majority of these complaints and symptoms are alleviated by healing and supporting the digestive system.
So, keeping this passageway clean, regular, and alive with beneficial bacteria is vital to maintaining health and preventing disease, not just in the gut, but throughout the entire body. How do I do that? Enter the Gut Recovery Program.
Here is a great video from our friends at that serves to drive home the above points concerning the need for normalizing the digestive system. Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum discusses autoimmune conditions and in particular, one thing that is a main cause of these. Autoimmune conditions are on the rise, and he discusses some ways to help correct the issue at it's source. - You'd Never Guess What is Behind this Century's New Health Epidemic
Listed below are eight, major health benefits that stem from normalizing the digestive system. The first six weeks or so of the Gut Recovery Program will focus on:
This is good news when you consider the huge number of people in the 21st century who are plagued by these conditions.
And, during the Gut Recovery Program, you feel the nutrients at work in your body!
The cost of the Gut Recovery Program is $800*. This amount can be paid in one lump sum payment or in four equal installments of $200. The
first installment is due one week prior to the start of the program.
Refer to Step 2: Paying for your Program below for details.
The program will be administered via regular mail, landline phone calls, e-mail, Skype calls, and/or video chat, as needed. A desktop or laptop computer, a high-speed internet connection, a Skype account, and perhaps a webcam would be helpful. This approach is particularly well-suited for those adults who live across Canada.
*The above price in Canadian dollars is in effect as of January 1st, 2025 and is subject to change without prior notification. Handouts are included with the program, and will be sent to you by regular mail, but any supplements and/or equipment are extra. The HST is included in the above price.
Signing up and paying for the program is a two-step process as shown below.
Program Registration: If you are currently experiencing problems with your digestion and elimination, and you need help, fill out the form below to register for the Gut Recovery Program. Jim Safianuk will get back to you within two business days.
Jim is a health scientist and an holistic nutritionist who specializes in the design and development of weight loss, disease prevention, and longevity programs for adults between the ages of 25 and 65 plus.
You can pay for the Gut Recovery Program in 1 of 2 ways...
Either, in one lump sum payment of $800.00 by electronic funds transfer for the total cost of the program, which includes the HST. This amount needs to be received one week prior to the start of the program.
Or, if you prefer, you can pay in four equal installments of $200.00 via electronic funds transfer. In this case, you will be sent a payment schedule in advance so you know when each installment is due.
After Jim contacts you by phone or e-mail and you have agreed on a start date, then you need to pay for your first installment. The first installment is due one week prior to the start of the program.
For instance, let's say your communication with Jim was on January 1st, 2025 and you agreed to go ahead with the program. The start date was set for January 15th, 2025. You would need to pay for the first installment by January 8th. In this way, we can be sure that you are fully committed to the program before we get started.
Following along with the above example, the second, third, and fourth installments would then be due on February 8th, March 8th, and April 8th, respectively, or one month apart.
If you are a TD Canada Trust account holder, you can send your payment using Interac e-Transfer after you have logged into EasyWeb, or by using Interac e-Transfer from an equivalent online system with another participating financial institution in Canada. All you need to do at your end is follow these three steps.
Either, in one lump sum payment of $800.00 by cheque for the total cost of the program, which includes the HST. This amount needs to be received one week prior to the start of the program. Make your cheque payable to Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Inc.
Or, if you prefer, you can pay in four equal installments of $200.00 with the first cheque being due one week prior to the start of the program. In this case, you will be sent a payment schedule in advance so you know when each installment is due. Make your cheques payable to Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Inc.
After Jim contacts you by phone or e-mail and you have agreed on a start date and time, then you need to pay for your first installment. The first installment is due one week prior to the start of the program. For instance, let's say your communication with Jim was on January 1st, 2025 and you agreed to go ahead with the program. The start date was set for January 15th, 2025. You would need to pay for the first installment by January 8th. In this way, we can be sure that you are fully committed to the program before we get started.
Following along with the above example, the second, third, and fourth installments would then be due on February 8th, March 8th, and April 8th, respectively, or one month apart.
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