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Four Pillar Programs
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Below is a listing of the links to the Four Pillar Programs. However, if you are not in a hurry and want to read an overview of each program, scroll down to the next section. 

Permanent Weight Loss Program

Health Recovery Program ... Coming Soon!

Disease Prevention Program Stream 1

Disease Prevention Program Stream 2

Longevity Program

Each one of the four-pillar programs is administered through a series of ten-to-twelve, one-on-one, client-practitioner appointments, all in the comforts of your own home, or in an online environment.

The Four Pillar Program Series

A scene from the beautiful Blue Mountain section of the Bruce Trail. The photo was taken by Jim Safianuk. Hiking in the woods is great for your cells and is recommended in our four pillar programs.

In addition, the four pillar programs have been arranged in a specific order for a genuine purpose. There is no use starting the disease prevention program when you are 75 pounds overweight. And there is no sense in signing up for the longevity program when you have done very little in your life to ward off the big-four, degenerative diseases.

Therefore, the order of implementation of each program is of prime importance. There are no quick fixes or short cuts because the body doesn't work that way at the cellular level.

"Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it! ... by Hardy D. Jackson

A. Permanent Weight Loss: The First Program for Some Folks

As you are aware the obesity epidemic is now rampant in North America. Obesity is defined as a weight that is greater than 30% of your set point weight, which is what you weighed when you were 18 years-of-age, What you may not be knowledgeable of is that carrying excess fat is a disease unto itself. In fact, it is the first disease for many and a precursor for a host of other spin off conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Therefore, this is the first in the series of the Four Pillar Programs that cannot be avoided if you are now obese. The Permanent Weight Loss program is geared to normalizing your weight slowly over time. It works to bring your body back to within +/- 10% of your set point weight, which is what you weighed when you were 18 years-of-age.

However, it should be emphasized that body composition rules and not body weight. In other words, the program is designed to maintain and then increase the amount of lean muscle mass at the same time as you reduce the amount of fat mass in your body. In this way, you drop the weight slowly over time and it stays off for good. Yes, permanently. How can you be so sure?

Because you have built a new you from the inside out and from the outside in. You now have a body composition that is high in muscle mass and low in fat mass. This is the ideal situation for optimum, caloric consumption throughout the day and maintenance of a consistent weight over time.

Note: If you are currently overweight but not obese or come in with a weight that is within +/- 10% of your set point weight, which is what you weighed when you were 18 years-of-age, you will be able to skip the Permanent Weight Loss Program and start with the next program in the Four Pillar Programs series, which is entitled the Health Recovery Program.

Otherwise, to get started, click herePermanent Weight Loss Program

B. Health Recovery Program

This is the second program in the Four-Pillar-Program series and is the most comprehensive of the four programs offered. If you are currently overweight but not obese with a weight that is within the range of 10% to 30% of your set point weight, which is what you weighed when you were 18 years-of-age and you currently have a number of gut problems like leakiness and/or a microbiome imbalance, low energy, inflammation in the body which is now chronic or an autoimmune condition, and/or an imbalanced, weak, or dysfunctional immune system then this program is for you. The program consists of six phases spread over a period of 7 to 9 months, namely:

  1. Stabilization,
  2. Energy Production,
  3. Drainage Detoxification,
  4. Cellular Detoxification,
  5. Fortification, and
  6. Maintenance

The first four phases of the program are designed to recover gut health, enhance nutrient absorption, boost energy levels, clean out the pipes and filters, reduce toxicity, and lower systemic inflammation in the body while the last two phases of the program will supply all the necessary fortifiers to support the body's system, rebalance immune function naturally, boost energy production even further, and bring the body into a state of homeostasis.

To get started, click here: Health Recovery Program

C.1 Disease Prevention Program: Stream 1

Stream 1 of the Disease Prevention program has been designed specifically for and geared to those people who have already completed the first program in the Four Pillar Programs series, which is entitled the Permanent Weight Loss program. After your weight is reduced to normal and remains stable over a period of time, you will be ready for Stream 1 of the Disease Prevention program.

This program has been developed in two phases to first rebuild and then to rejuvenate your body at the cellular level. It has also been designed to pull you back from the threshold of the big-four, degenerative diseases that are now plaguing our Western society, namely:

  •     Heart Disease,
  •     Lung Disorders,
  •     Diabetes Type II, and
  •     Cancers 

The program focuses on normalizing, strengthening, and balancing the following four sub-systems in the body:

  1. Cardiovascular, 
  2. Cardiorespiratory,
  3. Immune, and
  4. Neurological.

In addition, the four pillars of health are weaved into the program from start to finish and include:   

  1. nutrition protocols,
  2. exercise routines,
  3. stress reduction techniques, and
  4. detoxification methods.

This approach is necessary because the majority of the major illnesses in the 21st century, especially the chronic diseases listed above, all stem from a combination of nutrient deficiencies, cellular toxicities, and runaway inflammation due to free radical damage. If you follow the the program to the end, your cells will jump for joy each day since you will be approaching the threshold of longevity, which sets you up for the third program in the series.

To get started, click here: Disease Prevention Program Stream1

C.2 Disease Prevention Program: Stream 2

If you happen to come in with a weight that is between +/- 10% of your set point weight, which is the weight you had when you were 18 years of age, then your weight is not an issue. As a result, you can bypass the first program, and enter directly into the next program of the Four Pillar Programs.

Stream 2 of the Disease Prevention program has been designed specifically for and geared to those people without a weight problem. It has been developed in three phases to first recover, then rebuild, and finally rejuvenate your body at the cellular level. The program has been set up to pull you back from the threshold of the big four in terms of degenerative diseases that are now plaguing our Western society, namely:

  • Heart Disease,
  • Lung Disorders,
  • Diabetes Type II, and
  • Cancers 

The program focuses on normalizing, balancing, and strengthening the following  sub-systems in the body:

  1. Endocrine
  2. Digestive
  3. Elimination
  4. Detoxification
  5. Cardiovascular
  6. Cardiorespiratory
  7. Immune
  8. Neurological

When you consistently and efficiently supply, absorb, convert, and utilize all of the correct nutrients your cells need, keep the harmful toxins out, and quell the inflammatory fires with the right antioxidants, degenerative diseases cannot gain a foothold. But, the above sub-systems, some of which are integrated with one another, all need to be functioning properly.

If the program is followed to the end, your cells will jump for joy each day and you will have stepped on the road to an ageless body. This program sets you up for the third program in the series, which is described in the next section.

To get started, click here: Disease Prevention Program Stream 2

D. Longevity Program: Building an Ageless Body

After you have completed either Stream 1 or Stream 2 of the Disease Prevention program, now is the time to enter into the next program in our Four Pillar Programs series. The Longevity Program is the final frontier and works to build an ageless body at the structural level.

The program focuses on nourishing and strengthening the following structural components and systems in the body:

  •     Muscles
  •     Bones
  •     Joints
  •     Fascia
  •     Connective Tissue
  •     Skin    

The program works to enhance the strength, flexibility, and efficiency of your muscles, bones, and joints, as well as the health, suppleness, and integrity of your fascia, connective tissue, and skin.

In addition, the four pillars of health are weaved into the program from start to finish and include:

  1. nutrition protocols,
  2. exercise routines,
  3. detoxification methods, and
  4. stress reduction techniques.

If the program is followed to the end and adhered to over the long haul, your cells will jump for joy each and every day. Why is that? Because you will have entered into the longevity zone where an ageless body and an ageless mind co-exist. You will now be skiing, hiking, and dancing with a smile on your face at 100+ years of age. This is, after all, your birthright!

To get started, click here: Longevity Program

Sneaky Causes of Heart Disease

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Corporate web logo emphasizing the four pillars of health and two arms of prevention approach to building an ageless body and an ageless mind.

Four Pillars

Pillar #1
Nutrition Protocols

         Visit the               Nutritionist's Kitchen

Pillar #2 
Exercise Routines

                   Go to the                      Exercise Room

Pillar #3
Stress Reduction

           Head over to the            Stress Reduction Place

Pillar #4

               Check out the                Detox Centre

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You can click this small image to view a rotating series of scenic photos taken on the Bruce Trail.
You can click this small image to view a rotating series of scenic photos taken of Georgian Bay and Collingwood Harbour.


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  Sleep Restoration A to Z

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   Natural Whole Foods Way

The Top Five Fluids

The Ten Best Fortifiers

 Maintaining Beautiful Skin

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The Preventative Way with
Mr. Prevention

On The Preventative Way page we reveal a number of scientific facts related to how we function at the cellular level to keep our bodies healthy. Visit this page often as new facts, quotes, videos, tips, and traps will be added from time to time.

Go to: The Preventative Way

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