Hidden food sensitivities occur when there are adverse responses to the ingestion of certain foods. The reaction may or may not be controlled and influenced by the immune system.
The reaction can be caused by a protein, starch, or other food
component, or by a hidden agent that is added to the food during
processing, such as a colourant or preservative. Undiagnosed allergies,
intolerances, and reactions affect more than half the population. Almost
everyone has at least one food sensitivity.
However, many
people are not aware that there symptoms may be caused by inappropriate
food choices. They continue to eat the same foods, day after day, never
getting complete relief from supplements or lifestyle changes.
Food sensitivities are of three basic types:
A. Food Allergies: An allergy is an inappropriate response by the body's immune system to a substance that is not normally harmful. Substances that provoke allergic responses are called allergens. Research indicates that the number of people with allergies is skyrocketing and will probably continue to grow.
Food allergies have been implicated in a wide range of medical conditions, affecting virtually every part of the body, from mildly uncomfortable symptoms, such as:
to severe illnesses, such as:
Allergies have also been linked to numerous disorders of the nervous system, including depression, anxiety, and chronic fatigue.
B. Food Intolerances: However, intolerances are different. An intolerance is an inability to digest or metabolize a particular constituent in a food due to the lack of a digestive enzyme in the body, which can occur early in life or later in life with age. Without the particular enzyme the food will not be broken down properly in the small intestine.
In addition, food intolerances can result in a condition known as the leaky gut syndrome whereby the lining of the small intestine becomes porous and undigested, larger-sized food particles are allowed to pass through into the bloodstream. This in turn invokes an allergic response from the immune system to these foreign invaders. So, an intolerance can lead to one or more food allergies.
C. Food Reactions: On the other hand, a food reaction is an adverse response to one or more artificial additives in a particular food. The additives cause inflammation in the mucosal lining of the small intestine, or further down the GI tract in the large intestine. This inflammation can lead to a host of digestive disorders and diseases.
Artificial additives such as:
are hidden in processed and packaged foods.
In addition, pesticides such as:
are sprayed on conventionally grown fruits and vegetables, and are usually invisible to the naked eye, as well as hard to remove. Almost any food has the ability to cause an adverse reaction, depending on one's individual sensitivity to it.
If so, you need to watch this video! Are there certain kinds of food that you're either allergic to, have an intolerance towards, or that makes your body have some negative reaction? How do you know? Dr. Peter Glidden offers some great advice on how to find out and why this method is the best way to get to the bottom of food issues.
iHealthTube.com - Do You Have Issues with Certain Foods? You Need to Watch This!
The following are the major health benefits that stem from the program:
"Eat to live, don't live to eat; many dishes, many diseases." … by Benjamin Franklin
The cost of Hidden Food Sensitivities is $400*. This amount can be paid in one lump sum payment or in four equal installments of $100. The first installment is due one week prior to the start of the program. Refer to Step 2: Paying for your Program below for the details.
The program will be administered via regular mail, landline phone calls, e-mail, Skype calls, and/or video chat, as needed. A desktop or laptop computer, a high-speed internet connection, a Skype account, and a webcam would be helpful. This approach is particularly well-suited for those adults who live across Canada.
*The above price in Canadian dollars is in effect as of January 1st, 2025 and is subject to change without prior notification. Handouts are included with the program, and will be sent to you by
regular mail, but any allergy tests and/or equipment are extra. HST is included in the above price.
Signing up and paying for the program is a two-step process as shown below.
Program Registration: To detect and eliminate hidden food sensitivities including allergies, intolerances, and reactions, fill out the form below to register for Hidden Food Sensitivities. Jim Safianuk will get back to you within two business days.
Jim is a health scientist and an holistic nutritionist who specializes in the dsign and development of adult weight loss, disease prevention, and longevity programs for those between the ages of 25 and 65 plus.
You can pay for your program in 1 of 2 ways...
Either, in one lump sum payment of $400.00 by electronic funds transfer for the total cost of the program, which includes the HST. This amount needs to be received one week prior to the start of the program.
Or, if you prefer, you can pay in four equal installments of $100.00 via electronic funds transfer. In this case, you will be sent a payment schedule in advance so you know when each installment is due.
After Jim contacts you by phone or e-mail and you have agreed on a start date and time, then you need to pay for your first installment. The first installment is due one week prior to the start of the program. For instance, let's say your communication with Jim was on January 1st, 2025 and you agreed to go ahead with the program. The start date was set for January 15th, 2025. You would need to pay for the first installment by January 8th. In this way, we can be sure that you are fully committed to the program before we get started.
Following along with the above example, the second, third, and fourth installments would then be due on February 8th, March 8th, and April 8th, respectively, or one month apart.
You send the money with Interac e-Transfer in EasyWeb if you are a TD Canada Trust account holder, or by using an equivalent electronic funds transfer system with another participating financial institution in Canada. All you need to do at your end is follow these three steps.
Either, in one lump sum payment of $400.00 by cheque for the total cost of the program, which includes the HST. This amount needs to be received one week prior to the start of the program. Make your cheque payable to Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Inc
Or, if you prefer, you can pay in four equal installments of $100.00 with the first cheque being due one week prior to the start of the program. In this case, you will be sent a payment schedule in advance so you know when each installment is due. Make your cheques payable to Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Inc.
After Jim contacts you by phone or e-mail and you have agreed on a start date and time, then you need to pay for your first installment either. The first installment is due one week prior to the start of the program. For instance, let's say your communication with Jim was on January 1st, 2025 and you agreed to go ahead with the program. The start date was set for January 15th, 2025. You would need to pay for the first installment by January 8th. In this way, we can be sure that you are fully committed to the program before we get started.
Following along with the above example, the second, third, and fourth installments would then be due on February 8th, March 8th, and April 8th, respectively, or one month apart.
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