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Regaining Lost Bone Mass
...  for those 45 plus ...

The program Regaining Lost Bone Mass is customized for adults aged 45 plus who understand the devastating effects the loss of bone mass can have on the functioning of their bodies, and on their activities of daily life.

  1. First, we take a quick look at the bone loss numbers.
  2. Next, there is a description, objectives, prerequisites, and structure.
  3. At the bottom of the page, you can link directly to the registration page to sign-up for the program.

Body Basics

Bone Mass Loss with Age

Bone Mineral Density (BMD) testing is most commonly done using a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) test. Measurements are taken at the hip and spine only. The more minerals present in the bone, the denser the bone appears on the X-ray. However, it cannot measure bone quality in terms of its strength or architecture.

BMD measurements are reported as either T-Scores or Z-Scores. T-Score readings are expressed as standard deviation (SD) scores above or below the average measurement of a young normal population, usually 20 to 35 year olds with peak bone mass. For example, a T-Score of -1 indicates 1 SD below the average normal for a young person of the same gender, whereas a T-Score of -2 indicate 2 SD below the same average normal.

  1. Normal: Range of 2.5 to -1 (25% gain to 10% loss in bone mass)
  2. Osteopenia: Range of -1 to -2.5 (10% to 25% loss in bone mass)
  3. Osteoporosis: Below -2.5 (More than a 25% loss in bone mass)

Every T-Score below or above 0 represents on average of about 10 to 15 percent reduction or increase in bone mass, respectively. For example, a T-Score of -2 in the hip indicates about a 20% lower bone mass than a young person with peak bone mass.

The Typical 50-Year-Old

Assume this person is now 50 years of age. This would mean that he or she has been losing about 1% of their bone mass per year between the ages of 30 and 50. Adults who eat a highly-acidic, nutrient-deficient diet and who do not perform any type of bone-loading exercises on a regular basis, sacrifice at least a 10% loss of bone mass every decade, and adults older than 50 lose even more than that, at a faster rate each year.

Therefore, by the age of 50 you may have lost up to 25% of your bone mass. This means you have crossed the threshold from osteopenia into osteoporosis. Not a good situation to be in!

Enter the Regaining Lost Bone Mass Program

Now is the time to recover the loss with our bone strengthening program! And you get to feel the strength in your movements again!

Program Description

Gains in bone strength, density, and mass are the hallmarks of this adult nutrition and exercise program! The Regaining Lost Bone Mass program is designed to rebuild the necessary bone health so you can maintain your activities of daily life and/or prepare yourself for more rigorous exercise activity.

It is great for adults, aged 45 plus, who are de-conditioned and returning to activity after a long lay off, and/or for active adults who need to improve their nutrition protocols and exercise routines for bone strengthening and maintenance purposes.

Program Objectives

The overall objectives of this program are to regain lost bone mass, as well as enhance bone size and strength throughout the body by:

  • recovering lost bone strength,
  • slowing the loss of bone mass on the internal bone surfaces, and
  • rebuilding lost bone mass on the external bone surfaces.  

Program Prerequisites

The participants in the Regaining Lost Bone Mass program need to come in with the following characteristics:

  1. Age: Adults aged 45 plus, male or female  
  2. Weight: Normal, within 10% of your set point weight
  3. Fitness Level: Foundational level, de-conditioned, or active
  4. Health Conditions: No osteoporosis
  5. Current Residence: Northern Ontario

Note: The prerequisite for the Weight-Bearing|Bone-Loading Exercise Routine III: Advanced- Level Indoor Program is the completion of the separate program entitled Regaining Lost Muscle Mass: For Those 45+.

A quotation reminding us about regaining lost bone mass with the correct foods and fluids, as well as the right bone-loading exercises.

Program Structure

Pillar #1: Lost Bone Mass : Nutritional Aspects : Hormonal Factors

The first part of the program consists of the following three appointments:

Appointment #1: Lost Bone Mass: The opening appointment includes an introduction to the program, forms and questionnaires, if required, as well as the following topics: 

  1. All About Your Bones
  2. Strong Bones: Part I
  3. Strong Bones: Part II
  4. Bone Protection
  5. The Truth About Your Aging Bones
  6. Bone Health
  7. What is Osteoporosis?
  8. The Truth about Osteoporosis

Appointment #2: The Nutritional Aspects: Here, we delve into the nutrition protocols. More specifically, we get into the correct foods, the proper fluids, and the right fortifiers for rebuilding your bone mass over time. A number of handouts are also included.
A. Nutrition Protocols I: The Correct Foods
Proper Nutrition and Healthy Bones
Minerals, Vitamins, and Protein for Strong Bones
Foods to Add to Rebuild Lost Bone Mass
Foods to Avoid to Prevent the Loss of Bone Mass
B. Nutrition Protocols II: The Proper Fluids
Fluids to Add to Maintain Healthy Bones
How Much Should I Drink Each Day?
Fluids to Avoid to Prevent Bone Loss

C. Nutrition Protocols III: The Right Fortifiers
The Supplement Requirements
Case 1: Mineral Absorption is Normal
Case 2: Mineral Absorption is Abnormal
The Best Fortifiers for those 50+

Appointment #3: The Hormonal Factors: This appointment is all about the hormone connections to bone loss, especially as one ages. For those 50+, we need to look at your vitamin D status, as well as your testosterone, estrogen, DHEA, and Human Growth Hormone levels.

  • The Vitamin D Connection
  • The Osteocalcin Connection
  • The Testosterone Connection
  • The Estrogen Connection
  • The Vitamin K2 Connection
  • The DHEA Connection
  • The Human Growth Hormone Connection

Pillar #2: Weight-Bearing and Bone-Loading Exercise Sessions

The exercise routines in this part of the program are designed to rebuild the necessary bone strength and mass throughout the body so you can maintain your activities of daily life and/or prepare for more rigorous exercise activities.

A. Forms, Tests, Assessments, and Evaluations

B. Weight-Bearing|Bone-Loading Exercise Routine I: Beginner-Level Indoor Program

  • Stream 3 Program: Males 50+
  • Stream 4 Program: Females 50+

C. Weight-Bearing|Bone-Loading Exercise Routine II: Intermediate-Level Outdoor Program

  • Stream 3: Program customized for the Male Client
  • Stream 4: Program customized for the Female Client

D. Weight-Bearing|Bone-Loading Exercise Routine III: Advanced-Level Indoor Program

  1. Program Introduction
  2. Program Design
  3. Program Implementation
  • Strength and Cardio Routine: Stream 3: Males 50+
  • Strength and Cardio Routine: Stream 4: Females 50+

Note: The prerequisite for the Weight-Bearing|Bone-Loading Exercise Routine III: Advanced- Level Indoor Program is the completion of the separate program entitled Regaining Lost Muscle Mass: For Those 45+.

To feel the strength in your movements, head to the registration page.

Registering for Regaining Lost Bone Mass

To sign-up for the program, head over to the registration page now and fill out the form with your contact information.

                              Lost Bone Mass Registration

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