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Regaining Lost Lung Power and Heart Strength
... for those 45 plus ...

Our program entitled Regaining Lost Lung Power and Heart Strength is geared for adults aged 45 plus who are feeling the adverse effects of lost lung power and heart strength on their fitness, energy, and stamina.

  1. First, we take a look at the lung and heart loss numbers.
  2. Next, there is a description, objectives, prerequisites, and structure.
  3. At the bottom of the page, you can link directly to the registration page to sign-up for the program.  

Body Basics

Lung and Heart Losses with Age

After the age of 25, adults lose on average between 0.5 and 1.0% of their lung capacity per year, if they do nothing to prevent the loss. So, by age 50 you may have lost between 12.5 and 25% of your cardio-respiratory functioning. This means less oxygen is delivered to the cells of your body, which results in reduced energy and greater susceptibility to disease.
In addition, it is known that after the age of 25, adults lose on average between 0.5 and 1.0% of their muscle mass per year. So, by age 50 you may have lost between 12.5 and 25% of your lean, muscle mass, which results in weight gain, because muscle mass burns calories, but fat mass does not. The above also applies to your heart, since it is muscle in its own right and needs regular work as well.

Is it time for you to begin to recover the losses?

It maybe time for you to begin to recover your lost lung power and aerobic capacity, as well as your lost heart strength and pumping capacity with this 16-week combined lung and heart, nutrition and exercise program. And, during the program, you will begin to feel the energy in your steps again!

Program Description

Gains in cardio-respiratory efficiency, lung power, and heart strength are the hallmarks of this two-pillar, 16-week adult fitness program! The Regaining Lost Lung Power and Heart Strength program is designed to rebuild the necessary aerobic and pumping capacity, as well as add conditioning gains, so you can maintain your activities of daily life and/or prepare yourself for more vigorous exercise programs.

The program is great for adults who are now:

  • foundational by way of one of our two beginner programs,
  • de-conditioned people who are returning to activity after a long lay off, and
  • active adults who need to improve their cardio-respiratory fitness.

Program Objectives

The overall objectives of the program are to enhance cardio-respiratory fitness and function by:

  1. re-establishing an aerobic base,
  2. improving cardio-respiratory efficiency,
  3. regaining lost lung power and aerobic capacity,
  4. enhancing lost heart strength and pumping capacity, and
  5. increasing functional fitness throughout the body.  

Program Prerequisites

The participants in the Regaining Lost Lung Power and Heart Strength program need to come in with the following characteristics:

  1. Age: Adults aged 45 plus, male or female 
  2. Weight: Normal, within 10% of your set point weight
  3. Fitness Level: Newly foundational, de-conditioned, or active
  4. Current Residence: Northern Ontario
  5. Health Conditions: No previous heart disease or lung disorder 
A quotation reminding us about regaining lost lung power and heart strength with the correct fortifiers, as well as the right exercises.

Program Structure

Pillar #1: Foods, Fluids, Fortifiers, Assessment, and Evaluation

The first pillar of the program consists of the following four appointments:

Appointment #1: The opening appointment contains an introduction to the preventative way and includes the following topics: 

  1. Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
  2. Heart Disease
  3. Vascular Disorder - High Blood Pressure
  4. Vascular Disorder - High Blood Triglycerides
  5. Vascular Disorder - Atherosclerosis
  6. Lung Disease Prevention

Appointment #2: Here, we first delve into our past and discuss the origins of heart disease. After that we get into the natural whole foods way and the top fluids to regain and then maintain your heart and lung health over time.   

  • The Origins of Heart Disease and Our Evolutionary Past
  • Improving HDL Cholesterol: How, Why, and Now!
  • Natural Whole Foods Way for Heart Health
  • Natural Whole Foods Way for Lung Health
  • The Top Fluids for Heart and Lung Health

Appointment #3: In this appointment, fortifiers that nourish and repair your heart and lungs are introduced, as well as antioxidants that prevent free radical inflammatory damage to these same vital organs.

  • Supplement Adjustment to Prevent Heart Disease
  • Supplement Adjustment to Prevent High Blood Pressure
  • Supplement Adjustment to Prevent High Blood Triglycerides
  • Supplement Adjustment to Prevent Atherosclerosis
  • Supplement Adjustment to Prevent Lung Disease

Appointment #4: First, Cardio-respiratory Fitness Program is discussed, and then assessment testing is conducted to evaluate your current level of cardio-respiratory fitness to establish a baseline for the sessions that follow.

  1. The Cardio-Respiratory Fitness Program
  2. Lung and Heart Functional Losses with Age
  3. Assessment and Evaluation
  4. Health Screening Forms
  5. Risk Appraisal Forms
  6. Cardio-Respiratory Fitness Testing I

Pillar #2: Cardio-Respiratory Fitness Program

The second pillar consists of the following twenty-two sessions:

Session #5 to #8: Here, we begin the implementation of the IFT Model: Component 2: Cardio-respiratory Training to improve your cardio-respiratory fitness. The focus in Phase 1 is on establishing an aerobic base to prepare you for the aerobic efficiency training in Phase 2.  

  1. Integrated Fitness Training (IFT) Model Implementation: Cardio-Respiratory Training
  2. Phase 1: Aerobic-Base Training
  3. Program Design
  4. Aerobic-only Workouts
  5. Warm-up
  6. Workout: Program and Progressions (2 weeks X 6 sessions)
  7. Cool-down

Session #9 to #14: Here, we progress with the implementation of the IFT Model: Component 2: Cardio-respiratory Training with aerobic efficiency training. The focus in Phase 2 is to enhance your aerobic efficiency by way of an interval training program. 

  1. Cardio-Respiratory Fitness Testing II
  2. Phase 2: Aerobic-Efficiency Training
  3. Interval Training Program: Stream 3
  4. Interval Training Program: Stream 4
  5. Warm-up
  6. Interval Training Program and Progressions (6 weeks X 18 sessions)
  7. Cool-down

Session #15 to #26: Now, we progress further and increase the intensity with a combined cardio and strength circuit. These total body workouts are based on structured circuits that are sequenced with intervals and employ a combination of aerobic-based and strength-based body-weight-only exercises.

  1. Phase 3: Cardio and Strength Circuit Training
  2. Cardio and Strength Circuit Training: Stream 3
  3. Cardio and Strength Circuit Training: Stream 4
  4. The Universal Warm-up
  5. Circuit Training Variables, Exercises, and Rotations (4 weeks X 12 sessions)
  6. Total Body Cool-down

To feel the energy in your steps, head to the registration page.

Register for Regaining Lost Lung Power and Heart Strength

To sign-up for the program, head over to the registration page now and fill out the form with your contact information.

                 Lost Lung Power and Heart Strength Registration

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Pillar #4

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