Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Inc.

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Our Approach

According to Mr. Prevention, there is just too much, self-inflicted disease out there in today's world. With the preventative health programs, we hold back nothing when it comes to the truth. The information about health and fitness is all evergreen content that will stand the test of time. You will be able to use the protocols and routines for years to come.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."  ...  by Thomas A. Edison

A scene from the beautiful Blue Mountain section of the Bruce Trail overlooking Nottawasaga Bluffs. The photo was taken by Jim Safianuk, The ideas for our approach came from such nature hikes.

Jim Safianuk realized that most men and women in North America consistently lead a lifestyle that is conducive to producing disease early in life. When you live a life that is outside the boundaries that have been set according to where we now stand on the evolutionary scale, you set yourself up for disease.

In short, we are still hunter-gatherers and creatures of clean oxygen, pure water, natural light, and whole food. There is no getting around the above facts. At the cellular level, are bodies are constantly busy:   

  • maintaining the integrity of our trillions of little factories, which are our cells,
  • keeping us energized via our tiny power plants, which are the mitochondria,
  • rebuilding our structural components, via numerous anabolic reactions, and
  • providing the energy molecule ATP, via catabolic reactions of food and oxygen. 

To accomplish these tasks and function properly, our bodies need the right raw materials, which are the 50 essential elements of life, on a daily basis. A good analogy is to try and build a house with insufficient wood and too few nails. It won't be long before it topples down. The same goes for our bodies at the cellular level.

The Three-Pronged Approach

Throughout the design phase of each program, Jim used a:

  1. root-cause,
  2. prevention-based, and
  3. solution-driven

approach to weight loss, disease prevention, and longevity factors.

The Two-Part System

In addition, to solidify, streamline, and support the above approach, the following two-part system was devised:

  • A. Four Pillars of Health
  • B. Two Arms of Prevention

"Nature is doing her best each moment to make us well. She exists for no other end. Do not resist. With the least inclination to be well, we should not be sick." ... by Henry David Thoreau

A. Four Pillars of Health
... to support the two arms of prevention ...

The four pillars of health serve as the foundation to support the two arms of prevention, which are the preventative health programs and preventative health education. The pillars are listed below:

  1. Nutrition Protocols,
  2. Exercise Routines,
  3. Stress Reduction Techniques, and
  4. Detoxification Methods.

After all, this is the 21st century where proper nutrition is misunderstood and often ignored, physical activity is avoided and movement is minimal during the workday, chronic stress is rampant and prolonged, and toxins, both fat-soluble and water-soluble, are everywhere in our environment and in our bodies. Not a good situation!

In light of the above, our preventative health programs address the root causes of disease and prevent their onset in the body through nutritional changes, exercise routines, meaningful movement, stress reduction, sleep restoration, and detoxification methods. At the same time we normalize, balance, and strengthen the following seven, biological sub-systems in the body:   

  1. Metabolism: Assimilation via efficient absorption and respiration.
  2. Communication: Hormones, neurotransmitters, and cell signaling.
  3. Defense and Repair: Immune balancing and inflammation control.
  4. Transformation: Stabilization, drainage, and detoxification. 
  5. Transportation: Cardiovascular and lymphatic flows and functions. 
  6. Energy and Repair: Mitochondrial health and cellular autophagy. 
  7. Structural Integrity: Enhancing joints, bones, muscles, and fascia.

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."  ... by Socrates

B. Two Arms of Prevention
... to deliver the four pillars of health ....

In turn, the two arms of prevention serve as the vehicle to deliver the four pillars of health to those in need of help and guidance.

Arm #1: The Thirty plus Preventative Health Programs

The first arm of prevention stems from the design and development of the thirty plus preventative health programs. The four-pillar programs were first up, and the two-pillar programs soon followed. However, it became apparent over time that there was a definite need for one-pillar programs, which are spin-offs from the larger programs, especially for clients who have more urgent needs.

Four Pillar Programs

The four-pillar programs listed below need to be taken in the order shown:

  1. Permanent Weight Loss Program, for those who are currently obese, or the Health Recovery Program for those who are currently overweight or lean, and with gut, nutritional, energy, toxin, inflammation, and/or immune system issues. 
  2. Disease Prevention Program Stream 1, for those who have have taken the Permanent Weight Loss Program or the Health Recovery Program.
  3. Disease Prevention Program Stream 2, for those who have not taken the Permanent Weight Loss Program or the Health Recovery Program.
  4. Longevity Program, this is the final program in the series for those who aspire to build an ageless body and mind.

Four Pillar Maintenance Program

Moreover, the maintenance program that you get to take with you at the end of each program is customized for your unique body type and is also based on the four pillars of health, as described below:

Pillar #1: A final natural, whole foods way of eating plan that has been individualized for one's body, metabolic, and endocrine type. Eating to maintain joint integrity, strengthen the muscular system, preserve bone mass, nourish the skin, and save the brain are all part of this longevity food plan. It also includes a fortification component that can be adjusted for the seasons, as needed.

Pillar #2:  A final set of exercise routines which are likely to include new and/or advanced interval, strength, and flexibility training. At this stage, the key is to adhere to a balanced exercise program, that is designed for the bio-mechanical uniqueness of the individual. This is a program that is geared to maintaining your function and form, as well as your lung capacity, heart strength, muscle mass, and bone density. It can be adjusted for an outdoor environment and the four seasons, as necessary.

Pillar #3: A final stress management plan for life, as needed. This is a summary of all the stress reduction and management techniques introduced throughout the program.

Pillar #4: This pillar includes detoxification methods to flush out toxins on a regular basis. This includes a maintenance schedule complete with daily, weekly, seasonal, and/or semi-annual cleansing protocols.

Two Pillar Programs

The following two-pillar programs can be taken in any order. All programs have both a nutritional aspect and an exercise component. In this way, nutrition and exercise are together as a team. This is the way it should always be going forward! 

  • Regaining Lost Muscle Mass
  • Regaining Lost Bone Mass
  • Regaining Lost Heart Strength and Lung Power
  • Maintaining Beautiful Skin with Age
  • Maintaining Healthy Joints with Age
  • Maintaining Your Brain with Age
  • Fit at 30 Plus
  • Fit at 45 Plus
  • Fit at 60 Pus
  • Building a Balanced Immune System

Two Pillar Maintenance Program

In addition, the maintenance program that you get at the end of each program is customized for your unique body type and is also based on the two pillars of health, as described below:

Pillar #1: A final natural, whole foods way of eating plan that has been individualized for one's body, metabolic, and endocrine type. Eating to maintain joint integrity, strengthen the muscular system, preserve bone mass, nourish the skin, and save the brain are all part of this longevity food plan. It also includes a fortification component that can be adjusted for the seasons, as needed.

Pillar #2: A final set of exercise routines which are likely to include new and/or advanced interval, strength, and flexibility training. At this stage, the key is to adhere to a balanced exercise program, that is designed for the bio-mechanical uniqueness of the individual. This is a program that is geared to maintaining your function and form, as well as your lung capacity, heart strength, muscle mass, and bone density. It can be adjusted for an outdoor environment and the four seasons, as necessary.

A scene in Heritage Park of the Collingwood harbour close to the shore.A scene of the Collingwood harbour in Heritage Park close to the shore. Such landscape scenes helped in the development of the preventative health programs.

Arm #2:  Preventative Health Education

The second arm of prevention is now under development and will be available to support the programs starting in the fall of 2024. The education series will consist of:

  1. Four, free workshops to serve as intros to the respective programs, 
  2. A number of E-books in the popular PDF format, as well as  
  3. Four courses geared to a local audience, including:   
  • An overarching course entitled Healthy Cells, Healthy Body, and
  • A new series of courses entitled In The Nutritionist's Kitchen.

A. Workshops

A number of free workshops to serve as introductions to their respective programs. Visit the Workshops page here.

B. E-books

A series of eight e-publications in the popular PDF format can be purchased from the site. Visit the Overview of E-books page for a short introduction of each e-book, as well as links to the detailed description pages.  

C. Courses

C.1  An Introductory Course

An overarching, introductory course entitled Health Cells, Healthy Body. This course will delve into human physiology including the seven, major sub-systems in our bodies and how they are interconnected, as well as the mechanisms taking place inside each cell that govern our energy level and protein production.   

C.2  A Series of Courses entitled In The Nutritionist's Kitchen 

In addition, there will be a new course series entitled In The Nutritionist's Kitchen. This series will include three courses to start with, including:

  • Food Preparation and Storage
  • Permanent Weight Loss Begins in the Kitchen
  • Making Your Own from A to Z

You can visit the In The Nutritionist's Kitchen page for all the details.

Equipment Kits in Support of the Programs

Coming in 2025 

Next up will be a number of equipment kits in support of the programs. To use our house analogy again, you can't build a sturdy, robust home without the proper tools. This applies to our programs as well. You can't rebuild and maintain a strong, healthy body without the correct equipment.

In light of the above requirement, every client who goes through a program will need an equipment kit at the end for maintenance purposes. The following six equipment kits will be available for purchase from us by way of this web site:

  1. Four Pillar Equipment Kit
  2. Two Pillar Equipment Kit
  3. Nutrition-only Equipment Kit
  4. Exercise-only Equipment Kit
  5. Stress-only Equipment Kit
  6. Detox-only Equipment Kit

As you can see from the above list, the equipment kit you need is based on the category of the program you are now taking, or have recently completed. It is highly recommended that you get the equipment from us. Why?

Because trying to specify, source, and purchase these items in mainstream stores is next to impossible, and it is extremely time consuming to buy one piece at a time. In fact, you won't find most of them. And if you do find some of them, the equipment most likely will be cheap knockoffs that won't last long, so you have to be aware.

To alleviate the above hassles, we are putting together equipment kits that you can purchase directly from us for use in your home. This approach serves three main purposes as follows:

  • The need to obtain the devices in support of what you will be learning in the Preventative Health Programs, and as part of the maintenance program at the end of each program.
  • The specification and sourcing of the equipment has been done by us already. This eliminates one big headache right off the bat. Only the best of the best in terms of quality, durability, and reliability have made it into each kit. And they have been used by us over a number of years. So, you can be sure, they are tried and true. For you to do the above work on your own would take a long time.
  • This approach also does away with a fragmentation problem whereby it is likely that you may purchase one or two pieces of equipment on your own and then give up and quit because obtaining the rest of the equipment is too much work and/or too time consuming. That means you don't have a complete set of equipment, which is a major drawback.

A message from Mr. Prevention ...

If you are getting started with your first program, remember the following pointers on the road back ...

Mr. P is short for Mr. Prevention who is profiled on the About Us page.

First, Regain Control of your Health

When you come to understand that life is precious and a state of vibrant health is your birthright, you will learn to take command of and gain control over your own health. And remember, true health is the absence of disease. All disease!

Second, Take Responsibility for your Health

After you regain control of your health, now take responsibility for your own health. This means you need to take action to prevent disease from getting a foothold. And, only you can make it happen. No person can prevent you from getting a disease. Nobody, except you!

Third, Pull Yourself Back from the Threshold of Disease

With the guidance and direction built into the preventative health programs, you can pull yourself back from the threshold of disease and progress towards the baseline of health. To get back to the baseline if you are currently obese, you need to start with the Permanent Weight Loss Program. Instead, if you are now overweight, you need to start with the Health Recovery Program. 

However, if you are not currently obese or overweight, then you need to sign up for the Disease Prevention Program Stream 2. During the program appointments, you will begin to understand that prevention is the key that unlocks the door to true health. Remember, prevention is everything!

Next, Transition to the Health Zone

With your new understanding of proper nutrition, consistent movement, stress reduction, and body cleansing from the above programs you will be able to cross the baseline of health and move into the health zone. After you enter the health zone, the cells in your body will begin to jump for joy and you will find the truth that you are seeking about your own health.

You will become more self-aware of how the body functions to keep you healthy. And through your own self-care you will be able to regain your lung capacity and power, as well as maintain your heart size and strength. Any previous ailments and disorders will regress and eventually disappear since you are now in sync with the 50 essential elements of life. You are nourishing your body at the cellular level, each and every day, with the proper foods, fluids, and fortifiers, as well as immersing yourself in full-spectrum natural light, clean oxygen, pure water, and free electrons. 

Now, Cross the Threshold of Longevity

After taking the third preventative health program in the series, namely the Longevity Program, you will cross the threshold of longevity and enter into the longevity zone. In the longevity zone, you are living within the boundaries that were imposed upon us some 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. These constraints are based upon where we still stand as Homo Sapiens on the evolutionary scale, which is Level 17.

And, Enjoy your new Life in the Longevity Zone

Here, you are one with our natural world, just like our hunter-gatherer ancestors. And, you comprehend that our bodies are looking for this same environment, day after day, because this is the only one they truly know and understand at the cellular level, all the way down to our DNA. You now realize that this is where we still belong as humans in the 21st century.

Now, you need to continue living in the environment your DNA wants and expects! Your cells thrive in it, your hormones stay balanced in it, your body stays disease free in it, and your muscular, skeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, and immune systems become stronger in it.

Your rewards are a lean, powerful body, which is based on superior health, as well as a life free of disease and full of boundless energy. In the longevity zone, you will be able to dance, hike, and snowshoe after 100+ years with a grin on your face because you know you are now living inside an ageless body!

I hope you enjoy your new life. You deserve it!

Mr. Prevention

This Should Make up Ninety Percent of Our Medical Attention

Why Isn't It? Here is a great video from our friends at iHealthTube.com that serves to augment our points about the need for prevention in our lives, especially in the 21st century!

iHealthTube.com - This Should Make up 90% of Our Medical Attention. Why Isn't It?

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Corporate web logo emphasizing the four pillars of health and two arms of prevention approach to building an ageless body and an ageless mind.

Four Pillars

Pillar #1
Nutrition Protocols

         Visit the               Nutritionist's Kitchen

Pillar #2 
Exercise Routines

                   Go to the                      Exercise Room

Pillar #3
Stress Reduction

           Head over to the            Stress Reduction Place

Pillar #4

               Check out the                Detox Centre

  Health Contract   Services


Employee Energy


Contract Services


Contract Services

Health Business Opportunities

Four Pillar

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Two Pillar

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Image Galleries

Click one of the thumbnails below to view a series of photos taken on the Bruce Trail and Georgian Bay.

You can click this small image to view a rotating series of scenic photos taken on the Bruce Trail.
You can click this small image to view a rotating series of scenic photos taken on the Bruce Trail.
You can click this small image to view a rotating series of scenic photos taken of Georgian Bay and Collingwood Harbour.


Our E-books

Overview of E-books

  Sleep Restoration A to Z

Stress Reduction Handbook

   Natural Whole Foods Way

The Top Five Fluids

The Ten Best Fortifiers

 Maintaining Beautiful Skin

Essential Health Tips

Core Health Tips


Free Workshops

 Spring 2025

Go toFree Workshops

The Preventative Way with
Mr. Prevention

On The Preventative Way page we reveal a number of scientific facts related to how we function at the cellular level to keep our bodies healthy. Visit this page often as new facts, quotes, videos, tips, and traps will be added from time to time.

Go to: The Preventative Way

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