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Motion is Life II: Stability and Mobility are First Up!

The fifth article published is entitled Motion is Life II: Stability and Mobility are First Up! The article contains a number of stability and mobility tips that you can incorporate into your lifestyle to maintain your fitness level.

He is the publisher at and owner of Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Incorporated.

The article is 600 words in total.

Here is a second set of motion tips you can put to use over the long haul. These tips are geared to the efficiency and effectiveness of your movements.

Step Back into The Past: When we were kids and teens we played sports or we're involved in recreational pursuits that required us to be efficient in five, basic movement patterns, which were:

  • squatting,
  • lunging,
  • pushing,
  • pulling, and
  • rotating.
We did these movements often effortlessly and without even thinking about them. The above list governs functional movement in the body.

Now, Fast Forward to the Present: As adults we are sometimes required to perform the same movements, but often after a long period of leading a sedentary lifestyle and without much physical activity. This can sometimes cause a number of problems or serious injuries to develop.

Q. Why is that happening?

A. You are now placing squatting, lunging, and twisting demands on a body that is essentially deconditioned. Your muscles have atrophied, your connective tissues have shortened, and your fascial network has stiffened up. You need to incorporate functional training in your routine, but in the right way and in the correct order.

Q. What is first up?

A. You need an assessment and evaluation.

First, Get a Functional Assessment: Seek out a personal trainer who understands and follows the Integrated Fitness Training (IFT) model from the American Council on Exercise (ACE), or an equivalent approach.

A full, functional assessment includes:

  • postural assessments,
  • movement screens,
  • flexibility tests, and
  • balance and core checks.
From this foundational assessment and evaluation you will find out about any postural deviations that you have, as well as any functional weaknesses in terms of:

  • movement ability,
  • joint flexibility, and
  • balance issues.
After that an initial corrective exercise program can be designed to get you back to where you should be in terms of proper posture and functional movement. This is prior to the design of your main exercise program.

Second, Improve Your Stability and Mobility: The purpose of this stage is to improve the stability of the stable joints of the:

  • foot,
  • knee,
  • lumbar spine, and
  • scapulothoracic region,
while at the same time enhancing the mobility of the mobile joints of the:

  • ankle,
  • hip,
  • thoracic spine, and
  • glenohumeral joints.
Starting at the core, the trainer will guide you through the right exercises to do so you learn how to properly activate your core musculature and then stabilize your core, lumbar spine, scapulothoracic region, as well as your knees and feet. You will also learn how to mobilize your thoracic spine and shoulder joints, as well as your hip and ankle joints.

Note: Spending the necessary time upfront to improve the stability-mobility relationship within your frame is critical if you wish to receive the greatest benefits from the next phase, which is movement training.

That concludes the Motion is Life II article. Movement training is covered in the next article in the series, which is entitled Motion is Life III: Functional Movement is Key. See you then!

For Additional Information: Beyond Motion is Life II

A. You can also find more preventative health and fitness advice in the following e-book: Essential Health Tips

B. Or, if you feel you are ready for a Preventative Health Program, head over to either one of the following pages now to find out how to get started:

Permanent Weight Loss Program (if you are overweight)

Disease Prevention Program Stream 2 (if you are currently not overweight)

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