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Live 120 Years: The Longevity Solution

FAQ #24: The following is the answer to live 120 years, which is the twenty-fourth frequently asked question in our series.

A. Answering the Question

Is it true that humans are designed to live to be 120 years of age? Many do not understand that at the cellular level we are indeed designed to live to 120 years of age. A lot of people find this unbelievable especially when they see many of today's seniors at 70-to-80 years of age and figure that's about it. That's a wrong assumption!

The problem is that a lot of these folk shutdown their minds and bodies way too early in life and begin to lead a lifestyle that is conducive to growing old. In other words, they think and act old. And their activities reflect this fact.

Another one of the secrets of longevity is to not only remain active, but to return to the activities you participated in during the days of your youth. You will be rewarded with an ageless body.

And, you also need to be active in the mind. This is the time to start a new business or other endeavor that challenges your brain day-after-day. Your body will respond by maintaining an ageless mind.

Ok, I understand. Now, what can I do to live 120 years?

B. Introducing the Longevity Solution to Live 120 Years

Enter The Longevity Program: The third and final program in the Four Pillar Program series is geared to adults between the ages of 25 and 65 who are within 10 per cent of their set point weight, which is the weight they had when they were 18 years of age, and who have already completed the second program in the series called the Disease Prevention Program, either stream 1 or stream 2.

The Major Health Benefits: In terms of maintaining your:

    function and form,
    strength and flexibility,
    mind and memory, and
    looks and appearance,

nothing is more important than living the longevity lifestyle. But, once and for all, you need to get it right! The protocols, routines, techniques, and methods in the program are presented in an easy-to-use, appointment-based format to make sure that you do get it right.

Here are four of the many life-extension benefits provided by this program:

  • You Progress toward the Threshold of Longevity: You migrate from a baseline of health toward the final level of health, which is the threshold of longevity.
  • Your Energy Level Soars to a New Level: After you cross the threshold into the longevity zone, your energy level soars because your cells are jumping for joy. Since proper nourishment and consistent movement are now weaved into your lifestyle, vim and vigor are your just rewards.
  • You Stay Slim and Fit for Life: As the program progresses, the percentage of muscle mass will far outweigh the percentage of fat mass. This body composition will manifest itself in a slim, fit look, or just like you had in the days of your youth.
  • You Build an Ageless Body for Functional Movement: You learn to rebuild and then maintain healthy joints, strong bones, and flexible muscles with age. These structural improvements allow you to keep and enhance your functional movement, which is needed for all facets of life.

In addition, you get both nutrition and exercise in one program. Nutrition protocols and exercise routines are both included in the program, which is the way it should be. You need them both! And because both nutrition and exercise are weaved though out the program from beginning to end, you get a synergy that can't be found elsewhere.

Gotcha. I want to live 120 years. What should I do first?

C. Applying the Longevity Solution

Signing-up for the right program!

With the Preventative Health Programs listed below you not only get your energy back, but you also become stronger physically, aerobically fit, and nutritionally sound. This is because the programs are designed with a balanced approach in mind with exercise and nutrition weaved throughout the programs.

Register for the program that is applicable to your current situation:

a. If you are between the ages of 25 and 65 and are currently overweight then the:

b. However, if you are between the ages of 25 and 65 and not currently overweight then the:

c. Or, if your are between the ages of 25 and 65 and have already completed the second program in the series called the Disease Prevention Program, either Stream 1 or 2, then the:

Note: There is no use signing up for the longevity program if you are currently overweight and/or you have done nothing over the years to ward off the big four degenerative diseases. The programs have been designed to be taken in a specific order.

Sorry, there are no quick fixes and short cuts when it comes to normalizing one's health and building longevity at the cellular level. It takes time to recover and rebuild. That's just the way our bodies work!

I'd like to leave you with the story of Ma Pampo ...

First, let's see what Noel Boaz, who is the author of Evolving Health, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002, has to say about our life span. According to Mr. Boaz, in the section entitled Evolving Back to Health in the United States, "If we follow the guidelines of evolutionary medicine and live well into advanced age, what is our maximum life span? Theoretical estimates based on both fossil hominid samples and comparative studies of living primates suggest that human beings can live to about 120 years old."

Mr. Boaz goes on to talk about the oldest living person in the world at that time, who was a lady known by the nickname of Ma Pampo. She lives on the island of Dominica in the Caribbean and her real name is Elizabeth Isreal. Church records reveal that she was born on January 27th, 1875. So, she was 126 years old when he met her, in 2001. Yes, you read that right!       

At 126 years of age, in 2001, he writes that Ma Pampo was still wiry and muscular at 90 pounds. This stemmed from her job of 90 years working on a lime and cocoa plantation from which she retired at the age of 104. She had to carry heavy sacks of limes from the trees and cocoa-dance on the cacao beans to dehusk them. Still endowed with a strong grip, she has been healthy her entire life.

Mr. Boaz goes on to say, "The keys to Ma Pampo's long life are her activity, cardiovascular fitness, leanness, and muscular strength." Hmmm ... sounds similar to what we recommend on the site and in the programs, namely, daily movement, maintaining lung power and heart strength, keeping a high lean muscle mass to fat mass ratio, and building total body muscle endurance and strength.

He closes out the section by saying, "Looking at Ma Pampo's now wrinkled visage, you could think of her as a face out of the past, but I prefer to believe that she presages our future - a future that holds out health and longevity as gifts from our evolutionary past." And, I might add, she is truly an inspiration for all of us.        

The above case study serves as a great transition to the final FAQ in our series dubbed "Can It Be Done". It turns out Ma Pampo is a shining example of the fact that it can indeed be done!

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