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Health Slipping Away: The Prevention Solution

FAQ #14: The answer to health slipping away is contained in the Disease Prevention Programs, which have been developed to address the need for a complete solution. Continue below for all the details!

"Health brings a freedom very few realize, until they no longer have it."   by Unknown

A. Answering the Question

In terms of your health and fitness, as well as your wellness and longevity, nothing is more important than disease prevention, especially the big four degenerative diseases. If you feel your health slipping away, you can reverse the trend, but you need to get it right!

The protocols, routines, methods, and techniques in the programs that follow are presented in an easy-to-use, modular-based format to make sure that you do get it right. Here, once and for all, you learn the truth about the correct way to pull yourself back from the threshold of disease. What do you mean?

In the mainstream, half-truths and misinformation prevail when it comes to this all-important topic. You are presented with a series of fragments that work to keep you in the dark.

Now, you get all the information that you need to:

  • avoid getting cancer,
  • prevent heart disease,
  • avoid lung disorders,
  • prevent adult-onset diabetes, and
  • return to the health zone.

B. Discovering the Prevention Solution

Enter the Disease Prevention Programs:  This program has been developed to address the need for a complete solution. It is divided into two streams, namely, Stream 1 and Stream 2. Each stream of the program is based on the fact that there are many reasons people get disease and that all of the root causes have to be addressed for success to be realized.

"A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings." ... by Hippocrates

C. Applying the Solution to your Health Slipping Away

Disease Prevention Program Stream 1

Stream #1: Disease Prevention Program Stream 1 is geared to adults between the ages of 25 and 65 who are currently within 10 per cent of their set point weight, which is the weight they had when they were 18 years of age.

In addition, Stream 1 has been designed specifically for and geared to those people who have taken the first program in the series, which is entitled the Permanent Weight Loss Program.

The program is split into four phases, namely:

  1. Recovery
  2. Rebuilding
  3. Renewal
  4. Maintenance

Each phase is sub-divided into a number of modules and each module is dealt with in a fixed order. And we do not leave a module until all the steps have been completed, as necessary. This is the only way to ensure optimum health and prevent disease.

Here are just three of the seven health and fitness benefits from Stream 1:

You Pull Yourself Back from the Threshold of Disease: Your chronic disease risk is dramatically reduced and your chances of getting heart disease, lung disease, cancer, and adult onset diabetes are drastically reduced.

You Get Nutrition and Exercise in one Program: Finally, nutritional approaches  and exercise routines have been put together in one program. Both modalities are weaved though out the modules from the beginning to the end of the program.

You Return to a Baseline of Vibrant Health and Superior Fitness: As a consequence of the synergy provided by nutrition and exercise in the same program, you not only get healthy, but trim, toned, and strong at the same time.

If you are concerned about your health slipping away, head over to the Disease Prevention Program Stream 1 page now and check out the program. You will be glad you did, especially if you want to avoid getting a chronic disease in the future.

Note: For the diagnosis and treatment of any chronic disorder or degenerative disease like a lung disorder, heart disease, cancer, and/or diabetes, please consult with a licensed physician in your area.

"The key to good health lies in managing chronic inflammation. It's the cornerstone of prevention and longevity." ... Dr. William Sears

Disease Prevention Program Stream 2

Stream #2: Disease Prevention Program Stream 2 is geared to adults between the ages of 25 and 65 who are currently within 10 per cent of their set point weight, which is the weight they had when they were 18 years of age.

In addition, Stream 2 of the program has been designed specifically for and geared to those people who have not taken the first program in the series, which is entitled the Permanent Weight Loss Program.

Both streams are based on what we deem the four pillars of health, namely:

  • Nutrition protocols,
  • Exercise routines,
  • Stress reduction techniques, and
  • Detoxification methods.

Here are three of the ten disease prevention benefits of the Stream 2 program:

You Rebuild Heart Muscle Strength and Size: The aerobic-based and strength-based interval training exercise routines work to rebuild your heart muscle strength and size. This is exactly what your body needs for the delivery of essential nutrients including oxygen to all corners of your body.

You Regain Lung Strength and Lost Aerobic Capacity: The aerobic-based and strength-based interval training exercise routines also work to rebuild your lung strength and lost aerobic capacity. This is also what your body needs for the delivery of oxygen to all tissues of your body. Cancers cannot thrive in an oxygen-rich environment.

You Remain Lean for Life: As the program progresses, the percentage of muscle mass will begin to far outweigh the percentage of fat mass. This body composition will manifest itself in a slim, fit appearance. The reason is because up to 70% of your caloric intake each day is expended by your muscles. So, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you expend, and the slimmer you remain.

If you are concerned about your health slipping away, head over to the Disease Prevention Program Stream 2 page now and check out the program. You will be glad you did, especially if you want to maintain your health over the long haul.

Note:  You need to be within 10 per cent of your set point weight, which is what you weighed when your were 18 years of age. For example, if you weighed 120 lbs at age 18 and you are now 130 lbs, you are only 8% over your set point weight. You are ok to sign-up for this program.

For those who are currently more than 10 per cent above their set point weight, you need to enter into the first program in the series, which is entitled the Permanent Weight Loss Program: Get Slim with Jim. The weight loss program is designed for those who are initially overweight or obese. Later, after your weight is back to normal, you can come back and sign up for Stream 1 of this program, at that time.

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A scene from the Beaver Valley section of the Bruce Trail. Photo taken by Jim Safianuk while on a hike in the beautiful Kolapore Uplands.One way to keep your health from slipping away is to get back into Nature. Unchain yourself from your computer and step into the environment where your cells thrive. Happy cells means a healthy body!

At the same time listen to the following sound clip from The Best of Solitudes by Dan Gibson. Here, sounds from nature and music work in synergy to relax the mind. Try to keep the volume low!

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