The fitness primer that follows provides some general fitness tips and techniques to help you regain and then maintain your fitness level, without getting into specific exercises and movements.
We know that fitness goes hand-in-hand with health. So, if your are fit you are inclined to be a healthier person. By the same token, if you are healthy you tend toward fitness to keep you that way. People who are both fit and healthy lead a lifestyle that is centered around regular exercise and proper nutrition.
Make Time for Fitness: The first step is to allocate enough time during most days of the week to get your exercise activities in. That means you need to make a commitment and stick to it.
There are 8 hours for work, 8 hours for sleep, and 8 hours for other pursuits. Fit people use these last eight hours for their fitness sessions and other healthy endeavors. They know that time is precious and don't waste it every night on television programs, video games, and online socializing.
Spread your Activities throughout the Day: This is a great approach that usually works quite well. In the middle of the morning, get your 15 minutes of yoga in before you leave for the day. At lunchtime, consider going for a brisk, 15-minute walk before you eat. In the late afternoon, do a strength and stretching session right after you get home for 45 minutes. In the early evening, get in a 15-minute bike ride.
The above activities are just examples. The possibilities are endless. Tailor your daily activities to your particular situation, but do spread them throughout your day. You won't be overwhelmed for time when you do it this way. The above shows how you can easily fit in 90 minutes of fitness each day.
Schedule your Sessions on a Wall Calendar by the Week: I find this works particularly well for me. You will get a sense of self-satisfaction after checking off a session on the calendar after you complete it.
At the end of the week, you can look at the calendar at all the sessions you did and know that you have done many positive things for your health and fitness.
Be Consistent with Fitness from Week-to-Week: Motion is life and consistency rules. Set up your fitness schedule as above on your wall calendar and repeat it, week-after-week.
Shoot for Six Days of Activity a Week: But, rest on the seventh day. Take a complete break from physical activity on this day. I find that Saturday is the best day. So, in terms of exercise, Sunday is the beginning of the week.
That's it for this fitness primer. I hope you enjoyed the article and put these practical tips to use to get you started back on the road to better health and fitness.
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