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Employee Energy Program

Of the thirty plus preventative health programs offered by Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Inc., the only group program so far is the Employee Energy Program, albeit just in small groups of six employees at a time. Due to this small group arrangement, the practitioner can customize the program along the way for each participant.

And, because of this group requirement in an office environment, the program is not a four-pillar program, but a two-pillar program. In fact, it is a hybrid to suit the needs of employees while they are in the office during the day.

About the Program

The Employee Energy Program is a comprehensive small group program geared to the needs of the employee in today's office environment. It is based on the recognition that maintaining one's energy level throughout the workday can result in enhanced creativity, performance gains, and fewer sick days.

The program accomplishes the above outcomes through a series of eight sessions, which are spread across four weeks. The first four sessions are designed to boost your energy level throughout the day. The topics covered include:

Nutrition for Energy:  Session 1:  The Technical Aspects
Nutrition for Energy:  Session 2:  Let's Get Practical!

Movement for Energy:  Session 3:  The Technical Aspects
Movement for Energy:  Session 4:  It's Time to Get Moving!

To maintain this high energy level from nine to five, four more sessions are required to keep you from draining your energy reserves. Here, we have the following modalities:

Exercise for Energy:  Session 5:  The Technical Aspects 
Exercise for Energy:  Session 6:  Let's Get Active!

Hydration for Energy:  Session 7:  The Technical Aspects
Hydration for Energy:  Session 8:  Time to Drink Up!

In short, the Employee Energy Program works to help you become and remain energetic during the day, as well as maintain a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Schedule: Four Weeks : Eight Sessions

A schedule for the complete program will be handed out at the beginning of the first session. The eight sessions will run from 1 PM to 4 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays for four consecutive weeks. The following is a breakdown of the program by the week and session:

Week #1: Nutrition for Energy before and while at Work
Session 1: Foods for Cellular Energy and Body Function: Tuesday 1 to 4 PM
Session 2: Foods for Cellular Energy and Body Function: Thursday 1 to 4 PM

Week #2: Movement for Energy while at Work
Session 3: Movement from Walking and Climbing: Tuesday 1 to 4 PM
Session 4: Movement from Walking and Climbing: Thursday 1 to 4 PM

Week #3: Exercise for Energy while at Work
Session 5: Exercising, Standing, and Stretching: Tuesday 1 to 4 PM
Session 6: Exercising, Standing, and Stretching: Thursday 1 to 4 PM

Week #4: Hydration for Energy before and while at Work
Session 7: Fluids for Cell Function and Body Hydration: Tuesday 1 to 4 PM
Session 8: Fluids for Cell Function and Body Hydration: Thursday 1 to 4 PM

Small Groups of Six Employees

The size of each group has been set at six participants. This means that if you have 24 office employees you would like to see in the program, we can set it up so the program is delivered four times in succession.

The size was set at six because with this number of people the instructor can readily provide answers to questions along the way, as well as a customized approach for each individual at the end of the program. Larger groups don't work as well because the ability to personalize and customize is lost.

Workbooks at the Start

In addition, binders containing the materials used in the program will be distributed to the participants at the beginning of the first session. The workbooks will include all the protocols, routines, techniques, and methods, as well as illustrations, where applicable. They are to be retained by the employees for future reference.

Customization at the End: Yes, my program!

One of the hallmarks of the Employee Energy Program is the ability to provide customization for each employee at the end of the program. Since each person is unique on the outside, as well as on the inside, it is very beneficial for each individual to have a maintenance program that is geared to his or her unique characteristics and personal requirements.

In this way, there will be a greater likelihood that each employee will comply with the program over time. Why? Because each one can say, "This is my program since it's about me!" A set of six, customized maintenance programs will be delivered to the group one week after the end of the program.

Launch Date

Orthocellular has now officially set the launch date for the Employee Energy Program for April 1st, 2019. It will be available to business and industry from that date forward, starting this spring.

Cost per Group

Group Rate for Six Employees at a Time: The cost of the program for each group of six employees is $6,000 plus 13% HST = $6,780. This is an all inclusive price so there are no additional expenses. This amount is due in one lump sum payment two weeks prior to the start of the program. Make cheques payable to Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Inc.   

How do I get started?

To help your employees function at a high energy level throughout the workday, call Jim at 705-971-7429, or send an e-mail to jim.safianuk@gmail.com to set up an appointment. He has put together a complete information kit about the program and is ready to discuss it with you at your earliest convenience.

Jim is a health scientist, an ACE-certified personal trainer (ACE-CPT), and an IONC-registered holistic nutritionist (ROHP) who specializes in the design and development of weight loss, disease prevention, and longevity programs, as well as combined nutrition and exercise programs for those between the ages of 25 to 65 plus.

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