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Disease Starts in the Colon

The fourth article in the Detox Articles archive is entitled Disease Starts in the Colon. The article describes the need for a healthy colon and why colon problems can be avoided by supporting the digestive system.

He is also the publisher at and owner of Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Incorporated.

The article is 320 words in total.

A healthy colon teems with beneficial microorganisms that contribute to the healthy digestion and absorption of food.

Years of:

  • poor diet,
  • reliance on medications,
  • chronic stress, and
  • other factors
can throw the intestinal ecology severely out of balance, causing a variety of illnesses.

Note: The typical Western diet, which is high in refined sugar, refined carbohydrates, bad fats, and processed foods with many artificial additives is the root cause of many digestive disorders.

Health problems range from fatigue, depression, impaired immune function, and obesity to chronic constipation, gas, acne, and lower back pain. The vast majority of these complaints and symptoms are alleviated by healing and supporting the digestive system.

Indeed, many illnesses arise from problems in the intestines, including gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea, Crohn's disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, and hemorrhoids.

In addition, most of the digestion and absorption of nutrients that happens in the body occurs along the passageway that comprises the small intestine. Keeping this passageway clean and alive with healthy digestive microbes is vital to maintaining overall health.

Note: Disturbance and disruption of the digestive system can lead to malabsorption and nutritional deficiencies.

The essential requirements for optimum health are:

  • proper digestion,
  • absorption of nutrients, and
  • elimination of wastes.
Proper digestion is vital if we are to break foods down into their single nutrients, which are used throughout the body as building blocks. If food is not properly digested it can pass through the intestinal tract without being completely broken down, and get caught in the crevices causing toxic wastes that putrefy, which is not a good situation.

After that the toxic particles pass through the intestinal wall back into the blood stream, where they can cause food allergies and toxic overload. Undigested food particles become food for unfriendly bacteria in the bowel.

Therefore, to assimilate the nutrients to feed the body's many needs at the cellular level, the food must be properly digested. This is an absolute must to avoid one or more diseases of the colon.

That concludes the disease starts in the colon article.

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