Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Inc.

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Longevity Program Registration
The Longevity Lifestyle for an Ageless Body

The Longevity Program Registration page is the place to sign-up for the third and final program in our Four Pillar Program series.

Here, once and for all, you learn the truth about the correct way to build a new you at the cellular level. What do you mean?

In the mainstream, half-truths, myths, and misinformation prevail when it comes to this all-important topic. There, you are presented with mixed messages and narrow fragments that keep you confused about your own life and longevity.

Here, you get all the information you need to move from the health zone, which you entered in the second program, toward the next level, which is the threshold of longevity.

And as you cross the threshold and progress through the final frontier, you learn to build an ageless body.

And, you will begin to feel the strength in your movements!

Longevity Benefits

In terms of maintaining your:

  • function and form,
  • strength and flexibility, and
  • looks and appearance,

nothing is more important than living the longevity lifestyle. But, once and for all, you need to get it right! The protocols, routines, methods, and techniques in the program are presented in an easy-to-use, appointment-based format to make sure that you do get it right. By participating in the longevity program, you will receive the following life extension benefits:

You Progress toward the Threshold of Longevity: You migrate from a baseline of health toward the final level of health, which is the threshold of longevity.

Your Energy Level Soars to a New Level: After you cross the threshold into the longevity zone, your energy level soars because your cells are jumping for joy. Since proper nourishment and consistent movement are now weaved into your lifestyle, vim and vigour are your just rewards. 

You Get Both Nutrition and Exercise:  Nutritional protocols and exercise routines are both included in the program, which is the way it should be. You need them both! Because both nutrition and exercise are weaved though out the modules from beginning to end, you get a synergy that can't be found elsewhere.

You Stay Slim and Fit for Life: As the program progresses, the percentage of muscle mass will far outweigh the percentage of fat mass. This body composition will manifest itself in a slim, fit look, or just like you had in the days of your youth.

You Build an Ageless Body in terms of Functional Movement: You learn to rebuild and then maintain healthy joints, strong bones, and flexible muscles with age. These structural improvements allow you to keep and enhance your functional movement, which is needed for all facets of life.

Your Skin Takes on a New Firmness and Radiant Glow: This is a direct consequence of what you learn in the program about hydration and nourishment of your elastin and collagen fibres. Your new appearance will surprise not only you, but everyone you know.

You Build an Ageless Mind to Tackle New Endeavours: You learn how to nourish and maintain your nervous system for improved memory and cognitive function. Boomers in the longevity zone do not retire, but instead shift gears, follow one or more passions in life, and become super creative.    

You Remain Free of Disease: In the longevity realm, disease doesn't exist.

You Will Move Like You Did in Your Twenties: In fact, any adult who follows the longevity lifestyle will be able to dance and hike at 100+ years of age with a smile on his or her face. This is because he or she learned how to shift their biological age well below their chronological age. They have learned the secret!

"A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings."  by Hippocrates

A message from Mr. Prevention ...

I am certain the longevity program will help you build an ageless body after you cross the threshold into the longevity zone.  

Follow the appointments carefully, read the handouts, and weave the protocols, routines, techniques, and methods slowly into your lifestyle. Learn to apply them over and over again until they become second nature.

Remember, processes at the cellular level progress at their own pace. That is just how we are built. There are no quick fixes here. So, go slow and reap the benefits offered by the four pillars of health.

Along the way, your body will begin to reverse itself at the cellular level, your energy level will soar, your radiance will shine brightly, and you will participate in activities that you thought were impossible to do at your age.

The reason is because you have shifted your biological age to a point that is well below your actual age!    

And you will like the new you so much, you will never want to abandon the longevity lifestyle. I guarantee it ....

To your good health,

Mr. P.

Now, go feel the strength in your movements!

Program Cost

The longevity program has been designed to cover all the bases. To obtain a positive end result, it needed to be comprehensive. The program consists of ten appointments spread across six phases.

In addition, each appointment takes between 4-to-8 hours to complete. That means you are with the practitioner from 40-to-80 hours, from start to finish, and the program can take between six-to-nine months to complete. So, the cost of the program depends on where you currently live in Canada.

Northern Ontario and Across Canada

The cost of the Longevity Program is $6,000* plus 13% HST. This amount can be paid via the annual plan shown below:

Annual Plan:  4 X $1,500 plus 13% HST quarterly installments 3 months apart

The first installment is due one week prior to the start of the program, which is the beginning of Phase I. Refer to Step 2: Paying for your Program below for the details.

*This price is in effect as of January 1st, 2025 and is subject to change without prior notification. The above cost covers all six phases of the program, which includes ten appointments with the practitioner. Handouts are included, but any supplements, fortifiers, and equipment are extra. 

How do I get started?

Signing up and paying for the program is a two-step process as shown below.

Step 1: Longevity Program Registration

Registration Form: Use the form below when you feel it is the right time to sign-up for the Longevity Program. This form is also your mechanism for feedback with us so feel free to use it for any questions and/or comments you have regarding the program. We will usually respond within two business days.

Register for your Program!

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Step 2: Paying for your Program

You can pay for your program in 1 of 2 ways...

A. First Way : Payment via Electronic Funds Transfer 

Annual Plan: Four Equal Installments

You can pay in four equal installments of $1,500 plus 13% HST via electronic funds transfer. In this case, you will be sent a payment schedule in advance so you know when each installment is due.

The First Installment

After Jim contacts you by phone or e-mail and you have agreed on a start date and time, then you need to pay for your first installment. The first installment is due one week prior to the start of the program.

Let's say your communication with Jim was on January 1st, 2025 and you agreed to go ahead with the program. The start date was set for January 15th, 2025. You would need to pay for the first installment by January 8th. In this way, we can be sure that you are fully committed to the program before we get started.

The Second, Third, and Fourth Installments

Following along with the above example, the second, third, and fourth installments would then be due on April 8th, July 8th, and October 8th, respectively, or three months apart. 

B. Second Way : Payment by Cheque

Annual Plan: Four Equal Installments

Or, if your prefer, you can pay in four equal installments of $1,500 plus 13% HST with a series of cheques. The first cheque is due one week prior to the start of the program. In this case, you will be sent a payment schedule in advance so you know when each installment is due. Make your cheques payable to Orthocellular Nutrition and Exercise Inc.

The First Installment

After Jim contacts you by phone or e-mail and you have agreed on a start date and time, then you need to pay for your first installment. The first installment is due one week prior to the start of the program.

Let's say your communication with Jim was on January 1st, 2025 and you agreed to go ahead with the program. The start date was set for January 15th, 2025. You would need to pay for the first installment by January 8th. In this way, we can be sure that you are fully committed to the program before we get started.

The Second, Third, and Fourth Installments

Following along with the above example, the second, third, and fourth installments would then be due on April 8th, July 8th, and October 8th, respectively, or three months apart. 

Checkpoint ...

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